In 2017 I was asked to photograph the models in this collection to be placed into this catalogue. I made a trip to Boston MA to set up and take all the pictures you see here in the PDF of said catalogue posted below. These are all original filming miniatures as used in the 1970s Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers shows. The catalogue text and format is copyright Profiles in History, the photographs are my own copyright and I post the catalogue here for historical purposes. Since the auction is long passed I think they won’t mind my posting it here. The models reportedly sold in one massive collection to one buyer for an impressive $1.7 million USD.
Download and enjoy.
Absolutely brilliant !! Outstanding reference material thanks to your great quality photography. Many thanks for making this available, Jim! All the best, as always. Jorge (Ottawa)
Thanks for sharing this. Excellent photography and a huge reference to help me with my 3/4 Studio Scale Galactica I'm in the initial stages of building. What an experience this must have been for you!